contact little saint nick

We are here to help

Some Frequently Asked Questions

Before you contact us, please double check that your question is not already answered below.

  • What is the Payment & Privacy Policy of the organization?

    All online credit card transactions and donations are processed via Stripe, our secure payment processor. All of your personal data is kept with the Little Saint Nick Foundation (LSNF) or Little Saint Nick Foundation Canada (LSNFC), depending on which entity you donated to. We do not sell, exchange, or give away your personal data. Your payment information is encrypted on Stripe’s servers and is not available to anyone, including LSNF and LSNFC, after your payment is processed.

    If you prefer to donate via check and/or through an organization, you may request an invoice and remit a check payable to the Little Saint Nick Foundation. Email [email protected] to request an invoice. LSNF is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization in the United States of America. If you submitted a donation to us and need a letter or copy of your receipt or a copy of our IRS 501(c)(3) letter, tax ID or W9, please email [email protected].

    LSNFC is a registered non-profit organization in Canada. LSNFC’s Registered Charity Number is 702079542 RR 0001. If you submitted a donation to us and need a letter or copy of your receipt or a copy of our Ceritifcate of Incorporation, please email [email protected]

    If you would like to withdraw your donation, please email [email protected] to request a full or partial refund. All refunds are subject to take 5-10 business days to process. All refunds requested must be submitted within 2 weeks of the initial donation date as funds are used immediately to serve our mission. Any checks issued by LSNF or LSNFC may take up to 30 days to be processed.

  • I just made what I thought was a one-time donation but my bank statement shows it is as a “recurring charge”?

    If you made a one-time donation and your bank statement is showing a recurring charge, we assure you that it is indeed a ONE-TIME donation. Sometimes banks and credit card companies recognize the charge as recurring because of the software we use. We assure you that you will not be charged again.


  • I have new and unused toys, stuffed animals, or supply drive items. Am I able to donate them?

    Yes! LSNF accepts all new and unused toys but we are specifically looking for stuffed animals, pop-it toys, coloring books, crayons, decks of cards, and anti-anxiety toys. If items are used they cannot be accepted for sterilization purposes. Please email [email protected] for the shipping address.

  • What is Little Saint Nick Foundation Canada?

    Little Saint Nick Foundation Canada (LSNF Canada) launched in July of 2023 as an affiliate of the Little Saint Nick Foundation. LSNF Canada has the same mission and vision of the Little Saint Nick Foundation: to inspire kids in local areas to give back to kids in hospitals. LSNF Canada currently is head quartered in Toronto, Ontario and has operations in British Columbia, Ontario, Québec, and Nova Scotia.

  • I donated to someone on the street who said they worked for you, is this a member of your team?

    Yes! LSNF & LSNF Canada have dedicated fundraising teams operating across our various locations that help us spread our mission and the reach of our impact.

  • What is the Little Saint Nick Foundation?

    The Little Saint Nick Foundation (LSNF) is a registered 501C3 non-profit organization that has the mission to create a positive experience for kids in crisis through the compassionate power of a helping hand. We deliver smiles to these kids by connecting them with kids in local communities who are inspired to give back. Through our promise of “Kids Inspiring and Helping Kids” TM, the Little Saint Nick Foundation strives to lift kids up and realize their full potential.

  • What benefits do you provide to a business sponsor?

    LSNF offers multiple benefits to our business sponsors such as helping kids in hospitals through our anti-anxiety gift bags and empowering kids in communities to give back. Every $10 packs a gift bag for one kid in the hospital. This also enables one kid to pack a gift bag and handwrite a get-well card. The daily mindset of “kids inspiring and helping kids” leads to a more giving culture in a given community. LSNF has multiple ways to raise funds with businesses to expand our impact including sponsorship donations, online campaigns, in-kind donation drives, and events, all to inspire and help kids locally. As well, we offer marketing collaboration to promote joint events and use the LSNF brand to promote the partnership to customers. This partnership promotion with LSNF will provide a competitive advantage over competitors.

  • How Does the Little Saint Nick Foundation inspire and help kids?

    The Little Saint Nick Foundation (LSNF) inspires kids in local communities to give back to those kids in need. We do this by providing simple St. Nick Gift Bags to kids as they enter the hospital that are made by other kids. There is a special connection between kids of all ages that you can’t duplicate and a simple act of kindness amplifies this connection to a deeper meaning of giving.

  • What states does The Little Saint Nick Foundation operate in?

    LSNF is established in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Arkansas, Texas, and California. We are continually seeking hospitals and care facilities to partner with in all areas across the globe to spread our impact. We inspire and help over 300 people every day with our current resources. With added support and strategic partnerships, LSNF can inspire and help more kids by scaling the organization across the country. In order to be a sustainable organization, LSNF seeks business and hospital partnerships to scale in local areas that are important to LSNF and its partners. We want to create a local feel in any area we are in by having local people helping other locals in need.

  • What separates LSNF from other charities and non-profit organizations?

    We pride ourselves on kid-to-kid relationships. LSNF was started by Ray Mohler Jr. at age four. Ray grew this organization as a kid thinking about what other children in need would want during a time of crisis. Our programs are all carried out by kid volunteers that directly benefit children in hospitals. There is a special connection between kids of all ages that you can’t duplicate and a simple act of kindness amplifies this connection to a deeper meaning of giving.

  • What is the process for LSNF to partner with hospitals or businesses?

    LSNF seeks to connect with decision-makers at either hospitals or businesses to discuss a partnership. After an initial discussion of what is important to the hospital/business, LSNF will draft a proposal outlining who we are, what the benefits of working with LSNF are to the partnered organization, and how we can work together. After a proposal is agreed upon and formalized, LSNF will provide a Memorandum of Understanding to clearly outline the terms of the partnership. Then, a step-by-step manual of how the partnership will work will be provided.

  • How does LSNF support its gift bag program?

    LSNF seeks monetary and in-kind donations to fund our St. Nick Gift Bag Program. Every $10 packs a gift bag for one kid in the hospital. This also enables one kid to pack a gift bag and make a handwritten get-well card. We have successfully worked with businesses and youth groups that have hosted drives to collect the necessary items in our gift bags. These items include stuffed animals, coloring books, crayons, decks of playing cards, stress balls, and handmade get-well cards made by kids, for kids.

  • Does LSNF seek to partner with other care facilities besides hospitals?

    LSNF seeks to partner with any organization that is serving kids in crisis. We work predominantly with hospitals in their emergency departments. However, we have also worked with pediatric behavioral health and outpatient facilities that have been associated with hospital chains or are independent organizations. Our mission is to help as many kids as we can in need of a smile.

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