Empowering Kids Around The World

International Non-Profit with a Localized Impact

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Over 2,000,000 Kids Impacted


Kids Inspiring and Helping Kids™

The Little Saint Nick Foundation (LSNF) inspires kids in local communities to give back to those kids in need. We do this by providing simple Gift Bags to kids as they enter healthcare facilities that are made by other kids. There is a special connection between kids of all ages that you can’t duplicate and a simple act of kindness amplifies this connection to a deeper meaning of giving.

  • 300+

    Kids Impacted Every Day

  • 129520+

    Gift Bags Distributed Since 2012

  • 2080500+

    Kids Impacted


International Organization with a Localized Impact

Thanks to our partners, the magic of the Little Saint Nick Foundation has been growing across the country and now internationally for the past couple of years, but we still maintain a local impact by organizing with local communities to share the love with children in local hospitals.


Meet Raymond

The Little Saint Nick Foundation (LSNF) was founded in 2004 by Raymond Mohler, Jr. at age six. Ray had a scary hospital experience as a child but was able to leave the hospital after one day. Feeling fortunate that he did not have a life- threatening nor permanent disease, but rather one that is treatable and fully recoverable, Ray decided he needed to give back to the kids whom he left behind at the hospital who were not as fortunate as he was. Ray’s mission was to help relieve the fear, anxiety and isolation experienced by children related to a child’s hospital visit.

“A child first gets to the hospital, they’re scared, isolated, they dont know what’s wrong with them. NOW when these kids are in the emergency room, they check in and right away they get a gift bag and it changes their whole mood and the whole hospital experience and for a couple hours they forget about all their pain and suffering. It’s not just about giving them toys, it takes thier mind off of everything they’re going through–that’s really the goal…leave them with a long lasting memory and a smile.”


Community Unites to...

On October 19, 2023, the community mourned the loss of 7-year-old Eric Guzzo after his...

Little Saint Nick...

The Little Saint Nick Foundation is proud to announce our heartwarming partnership with Focus Forward!...

LSNF Montreal Packs...

Little Saint Nick Foundation Canada is thrilled to announce that our dedicated LSNF Montreal team...

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