Stony Brook University Students Pack St. Nick Gift Bags For Local Children On Long Island

The Little Saint Nick Foundation (LSNF) is delighted to announce its partnership with Stony Brook University, a collaboration inspiring students through friendly competition to participate in LSNF's mission of "Kids Inspiring and Helping Kids". Through this partnership, two student organizations competed to raise funds to pack St. Nick Gift Bags,  brightening the lives of hundreds of children locally on Long Island. 

This initiative began with two influential groups on campus: The Women In Science & Engineering (WISE) Group and The Chávez Community Changers. Together, they rallied the Stony Brook University community for months and spent time promoting our St. Nick Gift Bag Program. 

They encouraged members of the University to fund the St. Nick Gift Bags. Each bag includes a stuffed animal, a pop-it toy, a coloring book, crayons, and an inspiration card made by students. The goal is to alleviate the anxiety a child goes through when in crisis. 

The impact of LSNF's efforts is significant, with over 2 million children already positively affected by their programs. Last year alone, Stony Brook Hospital received over 300 gift bags through LSNF's partnership with the WISE Group.

On April 10th,  The Women In Science & Engineering (WISE) Group and The Chávez Community Changers combined raised over $2,061 for St. Nick Gift Bags.

Check out the campaign page here:

The two organizations came together to pack the bags with the raised funds. The winning team, The Chávez Community Changers, got to deliver the St. Nick Gift Bags to children at Stony Brook Children’s Hospital on their campus. LSNF commends their dedication to helping children in crisis. 

Interested in doing the same initiative with your student organization? Email [email protected] to get your organization involved in the giving. 

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